博森简介 福建博森新能源科技有限公司成立于2015年,由姚小琴女士和福建卡琪尔跨境电子商务有限公司共同投资,其注册资本金达3000万元,现公司注册于福建省福州市马尾自贸区,总部办公室地址设在福州晋安区长乐路世欧庄子塔39层。公司从新能源为主的单一公司,经过360天的拼搏, 积跬步,以致千里,发展到跨行业多种经营的公司, 博森新能源,主要从事生物质燃料颗粒、生物质压块燃料、棕榈壳、生物质锅炉、生物质燃烧机的生产销售及安装维修等业务。在生物质电厂、浴室、宾馆、酒店、喷涂、食品烘干、铝业等行业内享有良好声誉,深受广大客户青睐。为更好服务广大客户,2016年公司在越南、马来西亚、印尼投资了数家生产生物质颗粒燃料基地,建立月产能3万吨的“生物质颗粒燃料”生产线,来缓解国内生物质燃料短缺问题,公司将秉承以诚信立本、合作共贏的經營宗旨,积极响应号召,担当社会责任。欢迎国内外新老客户与我们携手开创绿色新能源新纪元! 博森新能源秉承“专业品质,精诚致,主动创新,持续改善,共同经营,利润共享永续经营,社会责任,顾客满意,以客为尊,环境保护,洁净地球”的经营理念,以专业的高品质产品,竭诚为您服务。


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    Our website has opened!

    Our main business "纯木屑颗粒;木屑颗粒燃料;生物颗粒燃料;生物质颗粒;生物质燃烧机;生物质锅炉" and other products. Company respected "practical, hard work, responsibility spirit of enterprise, and to integrity, win-win, creating business ideas, to create a good business environment, with a new management model, perfect technology, attentive service, excellent quality of basic survival, we always adhere to customer first intentions to serve customers, persist in using their services to impress clients.

    welcome new and old customers to visit our company guidance, my company specific address is: 福建省福州市马尾区湖里路.

    If you are interested in our products or have any questions, you can give us a message, or contact us directly, we will receive your information, will be the first time in a timely manner contact with you, we sincerely hope to cooperate with all friends, future hand in hand, sharing successful results!

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  • 姚小琴
  • 13959103799
  • 0591-83221173
  • 0591-87721541
  • www.fjbosen.com
  • 350000
  • 福建省福州市马尾区湖里路